Saturday, October 6, 2012

Week 3. SLIP

I was absent this during week 3 therefor couldn't complete the task in class, however I retrieved the work information and did it on my own time.

During that week we were supposed to read the next chapter in The Laws of Simplicity but since I haven't purchased my own copy yet I had to find a .pdf version online which was more convenient in my opinion.

What does SLIP stand for?
Sort, Label, Integrate & Prioritise.

What does Maeda say is only a pinky away?
The quick path to simplicity.

Why is this important to us as designers?
It's important for designers in order to structure and organise.

What are the principles of Gestalt psychological theory?
The principle of the Gestalt psychological theory states that humans developed skills in identifying patterns and can be used to organise  objects as such.

Where might one find the aesthetics of blur?
Possibly with effective logos.

Why is blur important with interactive design?
To make certain objects or words stand out more.

Why do good designers squint when they look at something?
To identify what's being emphasised in the design they're looking at.

The majority of the population don't realise that more than 90% of communication isn't coming out of our mouths, according to statistics, experts have researched on social behaviour and discovered that 60% of all human communication is non verbal, body language, 30% is tone.


When a person nods their head
- Approval
- Acceptance
- Listening to music
- Mentally/physically challenged

Lower lips trembling
- Nervous
- Scared/Fear
- Sad
- Cold

Person smiles slightly
- Depending on the situation it could be a sarcastic smile
- Remembering something funny or a happy thought
- In a good mood
- Slightly Amused

Person yawning
- Sleepy
- Bored 
- Possibly annoyed
- Still tired after waking up

Shrugging shoulders
- Boredom
- Confusion
- Stretching
- Not in the mood to answer the question

Inhales quickly
- Surprised
- Out of breath
- Exercising
- Smells something